19 September 2010

Curtin Open Day 2010

Curtin Open Day 2010 was held on the 19th September 2010. It is a day where Curtin University open its gates to the public to come forward to enjoy a day of fun and festivities organized by various clubs.

LEO Club participated in the food fair selling Nasi Lemak, Corny Bun, Corn Dog, Barley and Green Bean beverages. In conjunction with the theme for this year which is "Go Green", LEO Club has decided to replace plastic bags with our hand made paper bags.

The food sale was a huge success. Many thanks to all LEO Club members and Board of Committee for sparing their time out from preparing the food to setting up the booth and helping out at the actual day itself. Everyone did a great job! Thank you.

 Curtin Open Day 2010

 Food Sale

LEO Members helping out

 Group Photo

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